
WildEarth is introducing Gift an Explorer - a great way to share the WildEarth mission with your family and friends, or any nature lovers around the world!

Gift an Explorer connects generous donors with viewers who cannot afford to be Explorers. Each gift is an Impala Explorer membership for one year.

Gift an Explorer is a fantastic way to help WildEarth’s mission of connecting people around the world with nature.

Get started

Additional information

Gift option 1: Select recipients

Provide one or more email addresses of the recipients who will receive Explorer access for one year. Each recipient will receive a notification email with information on how to register and activate their Explorer access.

Gift option 2: Gift pool

Select one or more gift memberships to add to the anonymous gift pool. These will be allocated to anyone who applies to be a pool recipient, based on regular random draws. We will not share your details with the recipient of your gift.

Registering to receive a gifted Explorer membership from the pool

Apply here to receive a gifted Explorer membership from the pool. Please note that applying for a gifted membership does not guarantee you will receive one.

Gift an Explorer is a perfect way to help WildEarth on our mission while giving a year of amazing live nature and wild experiences to a loved one or an enthusiastic fellow viewer.